
Harley-Davidson’s Roll Your Own Wheel and Suspension Workshops

Harley Davidson’s January 16th event walks new and dedicated consumers through a suspension setup course. Free wings, free tutorials and free company are all offered, reinvigorating the Harley-Davidson brand with practicality and ease of use.

Lake Shore Harley-Davidson and Brand Outreach

Motorcycle marketing often requires a practical approach, and Lake Shore Harley-Davidson expertly captures the Harley-Davidson spirit with its customization workshops. Lessons tap into every motorist’s love of smooth rides, engaging consumers on a brand loyalty level. Harley lovers love customization, and the Free Wings and the Roll Your Own Wheel & Suspension Workshop is definitely contingent upon the brand’s ability to fit driver needs.

Harley-Davidson’s experiential approach targets consumers on a walk-in-shop level. Event-goers are greeted with industry professionals—professionals capable of teaching users to fully outfit their rides. Free wings are included, partnering the event with juicy, no-holds food and entertainment.

Repeat Workshops

Harley-Davidson’s Roll Your Own Wheel & Suspension Workshop isn’t a one-time deal, either. Customers are invited to pay the brand repeat visits, engaging them with one workshop per month, per season. Event-goers are entered into a prize lottery awarding $500 LSH-D Gift Cards, and every return visit equates to another entry.

Prize money aside, Harley-Davidson’s urge to return is potent. Bike mechanics take time to understand, and return visitors are influenced to turn their motor vehicles into something great. Harley-Davidson’s marketing efforts aren’t new, either. Recently, Stacey Watson, the brand’s marketing leader, has stated an intention to target customer segments on a grand scale in North America. Targeting new demographics is Harley-Davidson’s goal, and return visits secure word-of-mouth procurement of new consumers.

Diverse Markets

Targeting new consumers is difficult for any brand, and Harley-Davidson answers with consumer segment and core marketing mechanics. The brand, now, targets smaller groups while pairing efforts with grand-scale market segmentation. Harley-Davidson targets young adults, women and other diverse markets, enhancing its brand by reaching even-minded consumer segments.

Harley-Davidson, as an industry leader, proposes quite a bit in terms of practical approach. The Harley-Davison brand, famous for its product museums, has made great strides to engage a practical workshop effort. Highly qualified as a community impact workshop, the Harley-Davidson Roll Your Own Wheel & Suspension Workshop is encouraging to motor brands hoping to impact new consumers. While Harley-Davidson is highly specific in its products, it’s still representative of the motor industry as a whole.