Project Great Outdoors Creates Backwash Charity Event

Project Great Outdoors profits from its extensive outreach to outdoor guides, therapists, community leaders and educators dedicating their lives to assisting the troubled. Its supreme generosity within its industry has established it as an incredibly capable leader. Established in 1999, its outreach methods have promoted the entity’s sponsorship and services. Like most service providers, Project Great Outdoors thrives upon practical experiential marketing events capable of securing its loyal customers. Backwash is one such effort returning to Reno on May 13th.

A Celebrative Marketing Outreach

Backwash celebrates hope, and its intuitive design serves Project Great Outdoors by creating a clear identifier of the brand’s goodwill. Many service provides, in the past, have skirted their brand’s methodologies within live events, but Project Great Outdoors, now, has taken such efforts to a new level.

The celebration packs 86 one-of-a-kind beers into a marketing bash guaranteed to please. They’ve never been tasted by Project Great Outdoors consumers, and they’re the cornerstone of Backwash. The event deals with a ranking system, so as to identify platform leaders and upcoming consumer impactors. The advent of social media marketing has boosted the need to identify consumer culture leaders—and Backwash succeeds in featuring an event able to uphold its responsibilities.

A Local Touch

Project Great Outdoors benefits from local support, too. As a humble community provider, national coverage establishes the brand as a clear leader within an insular industry. Backwash is assisted and operated by beer enthusiasts, local home brewers and Project Great Outdoor brand lovers. Aimed at identifying and serving the lives of under-resourced and under-served youngsters, Backwash ties community values into a love of craft brewing—a unique, and admittedly difficult, approach to take.

Project Great Outdoors, however, needn’t be burdened by such details when entire strategy is supported by the brewing industry’s love of family. Craft breweries inherently target consumer groups differently than regular brewing companies. With less focus on a “party” atmosphere, Backwash similarly targets broader perspectives while still upholding the host brand’s needs.

Community Perspective

Such perspective is uncommon, but it’s an inherently unique view experiential marketers are urged to appreciate. For Project Outdoors, “booze runs” aren’t in the cards. The world of brewing can, however, still hold its own as a marketing resource. Project Great Outdoors exists, itself, to broaden community perspective. In many ways, Backwash is indicative of the entity’s dedication to outreach, service and community values. The event’s centric ideals stand; attendees need only engage its already potent strategies.