corporate event

How to Make Your Corporate Event or Party Eco-Friendly

How to Make Your Corporate Event or Party Eco-Friendly

Every company can get extra goodwill by making their event or corporate party more eco-friendly. However, it can seem hard to do this when you have to serve or entertain large groups of people. How can you minimize the environmental footprint of 100 or even 1,000 event attendees? Fortunately, there are ways to set up your events so that even large ones have elements that are easier on the environment than their alternatives. Here are some ideas you can implement without much trouble:

Choose Reusable Tableware

Washing dishes requires soap and water, but the alternative – paper and plastic – is even worse for the environment. Paper production uses much more water than washing, and it typically results in large amounts of pollution thanks to the use of bleaches and dyes in the production process. Plastic, of course, is a petroleum product. Even worse, plastic doesn't degrade within a reasonable timeframe (some say it takes 500 years to disappear). Eliminating both paper and plastic is clearly the eco-friendly move.

Serve Vegetarian Meals

A good caterer can make vegetarian food taste great, and if your event calls for snacks and sandwiches instead of dinners, your guests may not even notice that meat isn't on the menu. The environmental benefit results from the efficiency of growing vegetables and grains compared to that of raising meat.

Why avoid meat? Raising meat animals produces pollution in the form of animal waste, contributes to greenhouse gas levels due to methane excretion, and requires more food since the feed has to go through another layer before it gets to you. Plants are much cleaner to grow, and they're more efficient because when you eat them directly, you essentially "cut out the middleman" of the food chain.

Hold Your Event in a Big City

When you have your event in a big city like Miami, your guests will be able to reach the venue via public transportation. This, of course, cuts down on the amount of gas used and air pollution produced. As a bonus, the area will have plenty of other things to do after your event ends, and your guests will love the extra entertainment possibilities.

Use Digital Signage

Many events are festooned with a wide variety of posters, pennants, and other printed materials. When the event ends, all of this paper is simply thrown away. Avoid all of that waste by using digital signs. Thanks to today's lightweight flat screens, these signs can be mounted in stands as well as hung on walls. Since they're digital, there's no need to throw them out when the current graphics become obsolete. Simply program them with new images for your next event. Alternatively, rent digital signs and simply hand them in to the rental company after your event ends.

Use Recycled Paper for Printed Materials

Digital signs eliminate the need for much paper, but you still may want to print out programs, brochures, or business cards for your event. In these cases, use paper that is totally or partially recycled to minimize your ecological footprint.

Avoid Plastic Water Bottles

Provide reusable bottles instead and have refill stations set up so guests can get more water as it is needed. If you just can't see going without the traditional plastic kind, set up recycle bins to collect them as they're emptied. Look for water brands that use recycled plastic for their bottles, too.

Rent Durable Materials

Venues such as our Soho Studios offer the chance to rent props, carpets, and other essentials for your event. Choose this option to avoid needlessly throwing away or endlessly storing items that could actually be used for years. If you do buy your own accessories, donate them to charities if you won't be reusing them.

Use Energy-Efficient Items

Many events require special gear. Make sure to choose the most efficient versions that will do the job. One suggestion is to make sure that you have LED lighting whenever possible. These lights are some of the most efficient readily-available ones on the market today.

Mention How Eco-Friendly Your Event Will Be

Helping the environment is great on its own, but the purpose of a corporate event is marketing. Be sure to let everyone know that your event is as green as possible and mention specific steps you've taken to make it that way. This will ensure that you get the expected bump in goodwill.

These are just some of the ways you can make your event more eco-friendly. Even if you can only implement some of them, you'll have a greener event than you would if you used the old-fashioned versions of everything.

For a highly flexible venue in Miami, choose Soho Studios. We have up to 70,000 square feet of configurable space and rental options for all major event elements.

How your Catering Menu Will Make or Break Your Event


Your event is much more than a cool display collection. In the business world, successful events are experiences. The food you serve, whether it’s at a corporate meeting, a tech expo or a major industry extravaganza, will give your consumers a specific feeling towards you as a provider. Keep in mind: Your catering menu is important. It can make, or break, an event—and we’re here to tell you why.

Reason One: Time

Time is of the essence. Before we get to the attendee’s mindset, we need to talk about the clock. If you hire a catering company, make sure the prepared menu is simple, delightful and memorable. Make sure you don’t need a ton of time to plan, cook, serve and pick up the dishes. You’d be surprised how much can go wrong if an event’s menu is overcomplicated.

Reason Two: Versatility

Second, versatility should be considered. A versatile menu—one with detailed options—can inspire creativity from the get-go. A rigid menu, however, may turn your attendees off, food-wise. Make sure you’re offering at least three main courses, and sprinkle a little creativity atop the side items and appetizers. Remember: It’s an event. Your attendees will be hungry, but they’re more likely to indulge in savory apps than a full-course mean.

Reason Three: Dietary Needs

The biggest way to kill event dining interest is to lack specialty options. No, not diverse options—specialty options. We’re talking diet food versions, vegan options, soy-free food and vegetarian dishes. You shouldn’t assume your eventgoers are a diet-free crowd. Offer dietary accommodations, and set yourself apart from leading competitors.

Reason Four: Spice Diversity

Oddly enough, spices tend to be “make or break” topics for event-goers. Offer dish variety with spices. From side items to meats, a lot of cuisines can be changed based upon their included spices. Italian, Indian and Mexican cuisines, in particular, are highly susceptible to various spices.

Reason Five: Complimentary Items

No one likes a stingy event provider. A catering menu can shatter interest if it doesn’t offer a few free side items. No, you don’t need to ditch the RSVP, but you should be flexible when guests ask for more bread, soda or similar inexpensive items. If your event has dips, consider implanting a buffet bar for pre-entrée experiences.

Your event isn’t defined by its catering menu, but it can certainly benefit from a good one. At the same time, a poorly constructed, restrictive or otherwise uncreative catering menu can destroy an event’s legitimacy. Food can define a brand’s quality, attention to detail and willingness to include attendees. Make sure you do it right, and contact Soho Studios today. Our in-house Starr Catering Group is here to help, and it's fully packed with exclusive kitchen amenities, time-tested-and-true recipes and today's latest, greatest menu options.